Thursday, May 5, 2011


Ugh yesterday was awful... babysat and had a late lunch, then had to take my gram to the hospital, she got admitted so I was there for 7 hours and didn't get to eat dinner till almost 10pm... feeling discouraged because I feel like the tinyest thing is gonna throw this whole diet off... I didn't cheat and was still able to have all my water but it was a very stressful and tough day... Down 1.2 today for a total of 11lbs in 3 days I know that is great, but hoping that I can pull a few more big numbers before it all slows down on me... pressing on... and hoping today it a little more smooth... on a positive note I was scared to try tilapia but I did and I love it!


  1. Great job at getting thru such a tough day! I can't even begin to tell you how not giving in or making a decision not to cheat, will strengthen you. I gained the most confidence and belief in myself on the days after I had a really bad day the day before, but did not give in. We all have about a million reasons for why a cheat is justified, I just wish we had that same million reason for staying on target! Keep it up. You can do this!

  2. Hey lady, I'm sorry you had such a tough day yesterday and I'll keep your grandmother in my prayers. I hope she is doing better today. Thanks for the follow and congrats on your decision on a diet like no other. I know sometimes bumps in the roads can slow you down a bit but there is always a reason. The best thing to do is take everyday day by day. Try not to let the scale determine your how your day is going to be. No matter what your loss it's still a loss and stay motivated. A positive attitude will reap better results for your diet overall not just day to day. Remember you have time to get where you need to get. This is a great time in your life because you have discovered a secret to your own happiness that still people have not all caught on to. Have fun and be happy you will get there before you know it. I'm sure between all of us hcgers out there and your friends you have a lot of people rooting for you. I look forward to reading on about your success. Hang in there and please update us on your loved one! ;-)

  3. Cinderella, how did the shrimp go yesterday? I'm considering trying it again, I think my not-so-great release was impacted more by the Egqual sweetener than the shrimp. I had shrimp the day before and had an awesome release. :)
