Friday, May 6, 2011


So much to tell... I will start with Gram and let me say thank you so much for your thoughts and encouragement... She has phenomena and they have her on iv antibiotics... she looks A LOT better already! She is cracking jokes and being her usual lovable self! I just can't wait to get her back home... (She lives with Hope and I)

I weighed this morning 4x that is right 4x... I even made Hope come look at the scale 2 different times to make sure I was not going crazy... But I am happy to report that I lost 4.6 lbs today... and my total as of now is 15.6lbs... Very exciting stuff!!!! Was very worried about eating shrimp but seems to have been okay...

I have faced a few trials today but am happy to announce that I took them in stride... Hopes mom is here for mothers day and her mom asked me to take her to mc donalds... she then proceded to eat a cheeseburger and french fries in the car on the way home... I just had to tell myself that I am doing this for me and if I give in or let those things break me, I am only hurting me... so I just tried to ignore the mouth watering smells of her cinnamon roll and before mentioned... and came home and had my chicken and celery... GOOD JOB ME!!!

1 comment:

  1. Omg-i faced mcd's today too. It was so hard! Both my parents ate their burgers and fries. My mom couldn't finish her burger. She offerred, and i passed!

    Know what? We rock!
